If the debtor is in a difficulty, grant him time Till it is easy for him to repay. But if ye remit it by way of charity, that is best for you if ye only knew. Al Baqarah 280
Integrating Spiritual Management, Interpersonal Skill and Quality Service
Whether you are a teacher, including creative ..?
One feature of creative teachers capable "read" the potential
of students and develop them into accomplishments. Ask yourself ..!
• How do you find potential students have achievements ..?
• Are you able to recognize the anxiety and expectations of learners ..?
• What makes the students were motivated by you ..?
• How to make students feel more comfortable interacting with you ..?
• Conduct anything that can make students more motivated ..?
• How to keep your approach to "fire encouragement" to reach achievement
on students ..?
A creative teacher can make students of uncredible source becomes
inspiration source with super achievement made.
There are many examples of cases that will be studied as a benchmark the
performance of the teachers ..!
All will be dissected by
Kank Hari Santoso
Director Of Asian Motivator Islamic Ethic. Has more than 20 years of
industry and consulting experience in Motivator HR Service and Management.
Advice leading government, educational service and leading company with
expertise in the area of quantum and quality of mental believing attitude.
You want to get a surefire way to boost student achievement dents you
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