Rabu, 11 Maret 2015

Improving Learning Motivation in the Hills Region, Case Study : SMPN 3 Pringkuku Pacitan

Foster students' motivation developed in hilly areas is not easy, the problem of distance, the psychology and accommodation are key issues in the implementation of activities in the learning especially facing junior high school students. 

Therefore, it needs the right strategy in the School  Base Management   at SMPN 3 Pringkuku Pacitan. 


Departure for school students who travel long distances with difficult terrain is a barrier for students to go to school on the other hand strongly discourage schools for students to riding a motorcycle. Then the school provides a solution by working with public transport to deliver students to and from school. Schools provide subsidies for students who are less capable of normal transportation via public transportation drivers as well as the coordinates of school attendance.

Two advantages of this activity that increases the income of public transport drivers and increase student participation in school. While maintaining traffic order in traffic  and safety reading.

Minggu, 08 Maret 2015

Competitive Advantage Vocational School Case Study: SMK PGRI 3 Malang

Build the competitiveness of graduates vocational school students, is not just output  of the skills and knowledge of but rather on how to develop  their “whole personality”.  As performed in SMK PGRI 3 Malang, succeeded in winning the competition of student competences East Java province (LKS 2014)  has a key strategy in building students' competitiveness:

Character Building 

Character  is the basis of the formation of student competence, they must be able to control their emotions and behavior  especially in socially at school. With good self-control they are expected to have the ability to build working attitude and work culture. Attitude and work culture is a provision for them after graduation and worked as a professional in the business and industrial world.

Especially in the global competition of character is the only indicator of the performance of employees and entrepreneurs,  because  of the quality of the performance can be known  characters  as well as a personal identity of the employee's own.

Selasa, 03 Maret 2015

Menyusun Konsep Event Pameran Kegiatan Lembaga Pelayanan Publik yang Optimal

“Kami akan melayani anda lebih baik” sebuah jargon dari stand banner sebuah layanan publik yang mencoba membangun image dan positioning dari citra lembaganya. Tentu saja  jargon ini tidak hanya sebatas jargon karena dalam Pameran Kegiatan Lembaga Layanan Publik ini, lembaga tersebut benar benar mempersiapkan diri dengan lebih baik  mulai dari dekorasi stand,teknologi yang dipergunakan hingga “SPG” yang merupakan pegawai aparatur lembaga pelayanan tersebut benar benar bisa memberikan kepuasan kepada pengunjungnya.

Dalam membangun pencitraan sebuah lembaga pelayanan public  senantiasa memperbanyak “budged” untuk kegiatan above the line alias lebih memanfaatkan media massa untuk komunikasi kehumasannnya atau “beriklan”. Sedangkan even pameran seringkali hanya menunggu sebuah agenda dari ketersediaan dana penyelenggaraan. Padahal kegiatan pameran memiliki keunggulan yang optimal dalam membangun  Citra Lembaga.

Konsultasi Humas Pendidikan: 4 Ciri SDM Sekolah Tidak Berdaya Saing (2)

"Kank, Inovasi adalah kata kunci daya saing termasuk dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan di sekolah. Lantas SDM seperti apa yang   t...